The Five Levels of Framing provide a framework of standards for the professional picture framer as determined by the Fine Art Trade Guild. Not all framers subscribe to these standards, but doing so indicates a framer is aware of, and can apply, the materials and craftsmanship required to meet those standards and has the knowledge to ensure that your art is framed correctly.
Museum – The ultimate protection for your artwork.

Objective -To visually enhance artwork and offer the ultimate level of protection from physical and mechanical damage, airborne pollution and acids generated by framing materials for up to 35 years in normal conditions*.
Conservation – Helping preserve your artwork for future generations.
Conservation framing level now can be done at VG-Lab. Above picture shows the materials used in the frame, “quality checked by” and sealed date of the frame. Please learn more in THIS LINK.
Objective – To visually enhance artwork and offer a high level of protection from physical and mechanical damage, airborne pollution and acids generated by framing materials, for approximately 20 years under normal conditions*.
Commended – Guarantees a degree of protection, with design playing an important part.
Commended framing level now can be done at VG-Lab. Please learn more in this link: LEARN MORE
Objective – To visually enhance artwork and offer a moderate level of protection from airborne pollution and acid damage for around five years in normal conditions*.
Budget – Visually pleasing, but offering no long-term protection.
Objective – To provide a visually acceptable frame at a budget price. No pretence is made to protect the artwork or its long-term visual appearance.
Minimum Level – Putting Economy First
Objective – To provide a basic frame at minimum cost; price overrides visual appearance and quality
- The term ‘normal conditions’ as used in the Guild’s standards means out of direct sunlight, within the temperature range 10°C – 25°C and relative humidity between 40% and 60%. As we are aware of not many frames can be displayed in such conditions, therefore we recommend our clients to get your frame check-up for every three years (Or in case of any damage to the frame).
- Levels of framing:
- The five levels of framing:
- The five levels of framing:
- Five Levels of Framing – the Guild Framing Standards: