walnut frame

Some of you might have known, we do not only provide printing service, but we also provide prints archiving and presentation solutions to our clients. That is the reason why we will be distributing frame moulding profiles from reputable brands in Vietnam and international.

We proudly introduce:


The frame is made of walnut wood: 2cm wide face and 3cm deep. Artworld is a custom framer in HCMC who is reputable for using premium quality framing materials. With more than 20 years of experience, Artworld frame represents a high level of craftmanship and innovation.

Khung gỗ óc chó Walnut frame

The advantages of walnut frame:

  • The most stable wood among ash and oak.
  • Beautiful grain, strong and sturdy, safe for long term display.
  • Imported from sustainable source.
  • The most premium feel.

Available colors: Natural dark walnut color.

Framing style: Window matting.

Available framing levels: Commended, Conservation and Museum

Sample images

khung gỗ óc chó
An etching + aquatint painting by Nam Lâm. Window matted. Conservation level, anti-reflective glazing.
walnut frame
A washi reproduction of painter Trần Nguyễn Trung Tín. Conservation level, anti-reflective glazing.

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